A Time to be Grateful

Posted on Mon December 19, 2022.

Here we are, almost halfway through December and I still find myself thinking we are somewhere in July… how fast this year has flown, and how quickly we have all needed to adjust!

In spite of this spinning sensation, I believe that now more than ever it is vital to take some quiet time out each day, to count our blessings and be grateful for everything we have.

Be. Such an understated, often overlooked word. To be… fully present, in each precious moment.

That is my new year's resolution. Starting today. God’s mercies are new each day, and each day we are given the opportunity to begin again. What could be more promising or powerful than that?

I am eternally grateful that we are able to travel, explore and experience new things once again; for our amazing team; for good health, a loving family and caring friends; for work I love, and to wake up each morning in this beautiful country we get to call home.

So here's a cheers to new beginnings! May you and your loved ones be blessed this festive season, and may we all learn to celebrate each precious moment together.

With warm villa regards,