Blog - Page 18

“Feel it. It is here.” And gosh, have we felt it!

Posted on Thu July 29, 2010 in Blog.

Feel it. It is here… (along with Leonardo Dicaprio, Mick Jagger, Charlize Theron and poor little Paris Hilton) “Feel it. It is here.” And gosh,

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Beach? City? Safari? Road Trip? Golf? So many choices, so little time.

Posted on Thu July 29, 2010 in Blog.

With a mountainous spine running the length of a peninsula that stretches like a crooked finger into the Atlantic, what we fondly call our “Mother

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Massage fingers that can “see”

Posted on Tue June 29, 2010 in Blog.

It’s not the most prepossessing place, the Light and Healing Centre: Deep in southern suburbs, in a funny little house opposite an imposing block of

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Eye-popping, foot-stomping, mind-bending fun…

Posted on Thu June 10, 2010 in Blog.

The doorman draws back the plush velvet curtain to reveal a woman on stilts, a cocktail in the one hand and a silk leash in

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Create a Autumn Villa at home…

Posted on Thu April 29, 2010 in Blog.

Nothing compares to having a sanctuary that we all desire to come home too after a demanding day at the workplace. With the introduction of

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